Zoo Atlanta pt. 1

It hasn’t really been a month since my last post, that’s an illusion. Clown-magic. Now you see me, now you don’t, now you do again. Abracadabra!

I’ll spare you the empty promise to be better about updating and the excuses about work & getting another part time job (back to babysitting!) and all that stuff.

But, I will mention that last week, my dad’s truck, trailer & landscaping tools were stolen out of his driveway. The truck, which was insured, has been recovered, though the thieves somehow managed to mess up the transmission. The trailer & tools, uninsured, have not shown up. The pub in which I work has been raising money for him the past week and a half, through donations and a fundraiser. It’s amazing how the feelings of anger and sadness upon hearing the news was so quickly replaced by feelings of hope and thankfulness brought on by the generosity of friends. I am humbled and grateful to have such wonderful people in my life.

Now, to zoo! This installment promises flamingos! elephants! birds! lion! zebra! rhino! giraffes! me pretending to be a baby bird! andrea, alex, and benjamin also pretending to be baby birds! statues of willy b! flowers!

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