Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters You’d Like To Check In With

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish of a book-related top ten list. This week’s theme is Characters You’d Like to Check in With

 Cath, Fangirl
As you know, I love Fangirl. I love it enough that I miss the characters more than I probably should. If Cath could just drop me a note about how she, Wren, Levi, Reagan, and her dad are doing, I ‘d be really thankful.


The Whole Mayfair Clan, The Witching Hour
I read Anne Rice’s The Witching Hour in high school. I dragged this nearly 1,000 page hardcover book around high school with me for months, reading whenever I got a chance – sometimes when I probably shouldn’t have. I always preferred the Mayfair Witches over the Vampire Chronicles and I miss those ladies and their demons.

ShelleyThe Raising
This book started out so strong – the characters and their incredibly detailed lives! the mystery! the twists! But then the ended? I don’t mind an ending that open to imagination or interpretation, but this set up a whole lot of questions and gave me just about no answers. Shelley would tell me what happened.


Daenerys, A Song of Ice and Fire
The rest of the world and I are ready for the next ASOIAF book, please.




Laura, Searching for Grace Kelly
I just finished Searching for Grace Kelly this weekend and I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye when the story ended. The story takes place in the early 50s and I’d really love to talk to present-day Laura Dixon and the whole story.



Miles, Looking for Alaska
John Green is always doing this to me. I’ll go ahead and throw in Hazel and Q and Margo and Colin and everyone in any of his novels.



Lily Evans, Harry Potter
But, like, teenage Lily Evans. J.K. Rowling gives up peeks into life after the Battle of Hogwarts for Harry’s Generation, but I’m more interested in life in the previous generation. I would LOVE a new story focused on the Marauders.


Peeta, The Hunger Games trilogy
I know I’m in the minority with my absolute love of Mockingjay – I didn’t want a happily ever after in this story. I wanted reality and I got it. But then I got a little fluffy epilogue where Katniss is somehow okay with having babies and settling down without any explanation of how and what happened. I did read one really wonderful fanfic that helped me move on. I’d link it, but apparently past-Holly didn’t bother to save it anywhere.



These last two aren’t book-related, but I’m going to toss them in anyway:

The whole cast of Empire Records.
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of this underrated movie. I watched it about a thousand times as a teenager, but haven’t in years because the only version I can find on DVD or Blu-Ray is the stupid Fan Remix, which is NOT THE ORIGINAL MOVIE. I still have the VHS (though no VCR) and will hold on to it until the original version is available on a modern format.

Chuck & Ned, Pushing Daisies

OTP. I miss them so much.


THROWBACK THURSDAY: Wizarding World of Harry Potter

As I mentioned in my farewell to 2011 post, we visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter last February. 

I teared up when we walked into Hogsmeade. It was all so overwhelmingly perfect.

Andrea & I made “Make love, not horcruxes” shirts for all of us to wear the first day and glasses/lightening bolt shirts for the second. They were really cute and actually did make it easier to find one another.  The backs of the horcruxes shirts had a lightening bolt with our house colours (Angele’s was green & silver for Slytherin, Kathy & Andrea had red & gold for Gryffindor, and mine was blue & silver for Ravenclaw).

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Dragon*Con 2011 – Sunday

We found a Snape & a McGonagall

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you’ve a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind.

– The Sorting Hat

We started off Sunday as Ravenclaws.  I made both of our ties and our skirts. My brother carved my wand.

Harry Kim and Chakotay!

Ohh Voldy Voldy

On the mike is the queen
so listen to me sing
he wanna number 5
super size onion ring.

– Bon Qui Qui

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Is Butterbeer a Carb?

Birthday Breakfast

Thursday, the 14th, was my 25th birthday! The day started off with this beautiful breakfast, thanks to my chef, aka boyfriend.

Since my birthday falls on Bastille Day, we continued our morning ritual (at least for this month) of watching le Tour de France.

Now pretend that right here are pictures of us getting ready, driving in a lot of traffic, picking up movie tickets, meeting up with friends, eating at Maggiano’s, getting coffee and then heading to the theatre.

Andrea & I in our birthday party dresses

Look how cute Andrea’s outfit is! I cannot get over the cardigan she stenciled or the bow tie she made. SO CUTE.

The group! Kathy is there, too, but she was too busy eating ice cream to get in the picture. We saw a double feature of Deathly Hallows pt. 1 and pt. 2. I won’t give any spoilers for those who haven’t yet seen pt. 2 (HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY WAIT SO LONG?? IT HAS BEEN OUT OVER A DAY!) but I will say that it definitely lived up to my expectations. I loved it and am excited to go see it again – this time in IMAX!

As I noted before, Andrea made a few things for her outfit. These were the homemade things in mine. I sewed and stenciled my tie. My brother Skyler carved my wand (he also sewed my house robe!). Mary made my golden snitch necklace (still available on her etsy and on sale until Sunday).  Andrea made butterbeer cupcakes for all of us, and they were incredible.  She also made me some awesome presents, of which I’ll make sure to take pictures soon, including a shirt that says “Is Butterbeer a Carb?”! Since I linked to Harry Potter/Mean Girls crossovers the other day, I shouldn’t have to explain this to you.

Overall, my birthday week has been incredible. We’re continuing  celebrations tonight with Harry Potter trivia and tomorrow with a Braves game!


I’m stuck on “barn’.

The other day, Benjamin & I went on a really, really, really long walk and saw a house that used to be a barn. However, I didn’t have my camera and we don’t remember where it was.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Here’s some rad stuff from the internet.

As a clown, this animal balloon font app obviously caught my eye. So cute!

Mila’s Daydreams started as a blog featuring pictures of elaborate scenes created around a sleeping infant/toddler, using household objects. The pictures are so whimsical and dreamy and I was sad when she removed them. However, it looks like it was for good reason, because she just announced her book. I’m sure it will be magical and adorable.

Check out this flickr stream, featuring pictures from the 1928 Tour de France.

Do you love Harry Potter? Do you love Mean Girls? Of course you do. If you didn’t, we would not be friends. Actually, you may be some stranger who just wandered upon my blog, in which case, hello, I love Harry Potter & Mean Girls. And I found an awesome tumblr that combines those things.

ON THAT NOTE, as you (and the whole world) know, it’s Harry Potter week.  It is also my 25th birthday week. And the second week of le Tour de France. That last one matters less to me and more to Benjamin, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still watch it and cringe during the wrecks and swoon over Fabian Cancellara. I digress, it’s an important week in my life. Thursday (my birthday!), we’re going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1 at 9 p.m. followed by a midnight showing of p.2. I painted my nails for the occasion.

I would be in Ravenclaw, btw.

See you all when I’m old and there is no more Harry Potter. Oh, God, what is left to live for??

JK. I’m still a baby and Harry Potter will never end.