Friday the 13th – Spooky Books!


Happy Friday the 13th!

I don’t read much traditional horror – actually these days I mostly just read romance – but  I do occasionally enjoy a book that just gives me the creeps. Some paranormal, some thriller, some that are just disturbing.

bury me lup

Bury Me by Tara Sivec
Narrated by Stephanie Willis

This is one of my favourites and one I recommend often, but you have to listen to the audiobook. Stephanie Willis, the narrator, does such an incredible job. She is SO creepy. Part of what makes me love Bury Me so much is that Tara Sivec is known for her sexy, funny contemporary romances. And this is SO not any of those things. I love when an author can test out a different genre and do it so well. I love when an author can surprise me. The book itself is full of surprises, too. Seriously, though, listen to the audiobook.


You by Caroline Kepnes
Narrated by Santino Fontana

Caroline Kepnes did such an incredible job with this thriller that she kind of screwed herself over – at least for me. What I mean is that, I’m still so disturbed after listening to this book almost two years ago that I haven’t been able to pick up the sequel. You was sometimes categorized as a romance. THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE, but it is really seductive. Like Bury Me, I listened to this audiobook and the narrator, Santino Fontana, really made it for me. The second-person narrative rarely works, but it is perfect for this book.

The Witching Hour
by Anne Rice

I spent most of my high school sophomore year reading all 965 pages (in hardcover. Pretty sure the paperback is ~1200) of The Witching Hour, including during a few science classes when I really shouldn’t have been. I read at the mom’s recommendation – apparently age fifteen is when a girl is ready for witchcraft and demon sex. Though, the year before she had decided I needed to see A Clockwork Orange. Afterward saying “Well, I had forgotten about all the rape”. So, The Witching Hour was pretty tame.

Honestly, I can’t say it scared me. I think Anne Rice is classified as horror and, in a recent discussion, quite a few others brought up this and others in the series as one of the most disturbing books they’d read. Even if you are like me and not scared or disturbed by the kind of evil this book deals with, it brings the spooky Halloween feels.

Black Bird of the Gallows
by Meg Kassel

Black Bird of the Gallows isn’t quite spooky, but it gets pretty creepy and it’s chock full of magic and mythology. It also has a good swoony romance so it’s perfect to enjoy curled up with a hot beverage. Beautifully written and really fun to read.


What are you reading this weekend? I think I’m going to give myself the creeps with Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics.

Mockingjay Pumpkin Stencil

We haven’t gotten our pumpkins yet (I know, I know – we didn’t make it to the pumpkin patch this year.), but I’m hoping to watch Hocus Pocus & carve a few tonight. Not sure how I’ll carve mine, but the stencil I made for the Hunger Games shirt tutorial works as a pumpkin stencil, too. What do your jack-o-lanterns look like?

The method I use for making stencils is from Stencilry, which has some really great stencils, but I don’t think the site has been updated recently.